Friday, March 12, 2010


Did I always want to be a doctor??Did I become a doctor because my parents are doctors??Did my parents force me to be a doctor??These are just a few of the many questions I've been asked for a long long time.

I remember when I was a little kid in primary school my school bus driver used to tell the teachers in the bus "She's a little doctor" just because my parents were.From the time I have memories I remember hating it.Why did I hate it?Mainly because people just assumed I would be one from the very start.Well can you blame them now? ;)

I was always good in maths and physics in school.More of the subjects where you didn't have to mug up but just apply the things you understood.I would only study biology whenever an exam was approaching because it was not challenging enough.I was the kind who would get full in the various problems in the paper whereas lose for the derivations and stuff in which people usually score because they just have to learn it by heart. Or I would do my own derivations in the paper (which was not always the best way to do it).Thus I thought,I'd better be an engineer especially an architect and also do interior decorating as I always found that interesting.But fate had other plans.

When we had to choose our subject options in the 11th grade my parents left the choice to me and naturally they felt that I would take maths and computer science and leave out biology.However when my best pal Anjali and I decided to browse through the 11th grade textbooks,I found the computer science book highly uncomfortable.I could not study that.Then I took up my senior Anu's biology book and thats when I realised that I would indeed like to pursue that.Then in the 12th grade when Biology started teaching about the human body I almost let go of maths (which I thought of as my first love) totally.It finally started registering in my mind that bio would not be mugging up if found interesting and you understood it.

I guess that and the fact that my parents have always been people I admired silently and also that I referred to a working place as a clinic more often than an office really helped me make my final choice.That's when I realised that the childhood visits to my parents clinic were wonderful and I always felt comfortable there.

So folks here I am,a doctor now.I finished my internship a month ago so yes now I am a full fledged doctor.When the patients come back to you after they are better and thank you for helping them,or when some patient insists that you yourself do a certain procedure for them,or when they search for you to show their lab investigations etc it is a wonderful feeling which just makes me glad to be in my chosen field.

I hope and believe I will never have an opportunity to regret my decisions.I pray that God makes me a good doctor and gives me the strength and courage to be one.

P.S. All you people who used to call me 'Lil Doc' well looks like your predictions came true.


Anu said...

aww sumi..nice one!..glad that my bio textbook helped!..:):)..and im sure you will make a good are!

Shaaz 'Loco' Ahmed said...

Eh...wats up doc؟ (bugs bunny style)

Unknown said...

mmmmmmmm!!!!!! biography!!!cool
jobless i guess!!! bye the way how did u get time 2 write al these!!!!

Unknown said...

but cool 2!

Anjali said...

ahh..nice :) it must be such a good feeling that you get from the patients yeah :D and perfect pic heheh :D

chinchu said...

well done Sumi...keep going

Dr. Sumi Riyas said...

Oh yes ur book helped Anu.
Shaaz I'm chewing on a carrot right now.
And Usmu yes i'm pretty jobless ryt now and anyways it does not take much time to write this.
Anj it is a gr8 feeling when the patients come to you.I had this experience during my internship.Have not worked yet so waiting for that and hoping it'll be even better then.And I love the pic too.Hehe.
Thanks chinchu.

Unknown said...

kollam,nannayirikkunnu.allahu ellam hirr aaki tharumarakate