Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where do i Belong??

Born in India.Lived in UAE in my growing years.Came back to India to pursue higher studies.This is a very common situation in our part of the world.And yes it definitely has its advantages and of course with it the disadvantages.Let me explain.

When I was doing my schooling in UAE I have come across many situations which made me feel like an outsider.Being only a permanent resident and not the citizen of the country one grew up in  is kind of awkward because no matter how long you have lived there and done the same things as the natives you are not the country's own.The Arabs there will definitely look at you as lower beings.So when I came to India I thought that even though I'll miss the highlights of my life in UAE, atleast I will actually belong to the place.However things were not as simple as it seemed.

Once I reached Indian soil I was not simply an Indian or a Keralite as I hoped I would be.No, I was labeled as an NRI,the girl who never lived in India and does not know what it is like to live in India.And let me inform you that it is not always a good thing to be put into that category.The percentage of people who believe that NRIs are not to be considered as one among themselves are plenty.In their eyes we talk different,sometimes we dress different,may have different interests etc.The attitude disturbed me for a long time.It didn't matter so much when I just used to visit India during the holiday season.Believe me living here is much different from simple visiting.

The dilemma-I didn't belong to UAE where I spent 18 yrs of my short life and I was not accepted in my own country.So where did I belong?Was I caught between two worlds?Where do I fit in??Was I always to be an outsider wherever I go??The thought was initimidating.

However  over the years things have worked out much better than I thought.Though it took considerable effort and time to make my own kinsmen forget that I am an NRI and just consider me as a Keralite alone,atleast I was accepted.Or so I feel most of the time.The feeling is inexpressible.I belonged!So I guess all's well that ends well.Isn't it?


laxmi balanandan said...

but the fitting in phase ws fun, rite... susu... you idiot. it ws fun for us, hee hee... ur struggles with the language wud fill a book. n remember our outings..haa haa... wht fun. miss you :) me going bk to tvla for community nxt wk

Navroop said...

Sweets! there is a very famous saying..."Why 'Fit In' when you are born to 'Stand Out'!!!

We as human's have this eternal desire to be appreciated, loved and to acquire a sense of belonging.
But what we forget in this process is our own individuality.

You don't need to prove anything to anybody. You are what you are!! The best part are different!! Should take pride in that.

Sometimes i even take pride in my insanity :P where else you are a smart intelligent girl with a mind of your own!! You should feel even more proud!!

Men & Women in history who created Havoc (good or bad) didn't do so while waiting for other's appreciation for their work! They believed in themselves!!

I love u Imus!! i wish u all the havoc-creating- potential in the world!!!! :D:D



Anu said...

hey sumi..nice one..could relate!!..

Unknown said...

hey im a 14 year old and im born and growing up abroad
I too feel this at times when goin for vacation to india...i was so left out coz i dint know my mother tongue.......